The Cloud WiFi Finder from Sky:Get superfast, reliable and easy to use WiFi in over 20,000 UK locations with The Cloud. With our “WiFi Finder” app, you can browse local WiFi hotspots, and even see which hotspot venues have Sky Sports as well as great WiFi.
You’ll find The Cloud WiFi in a variety of different places - so whether it’s your favourite pub, high street stores, train stations, hotels or your local coffee shop, you can save on mobile data and connect with ease today.
The Cloud WiFi Finder with Sky Sports:• Search The Cloud WiFi hotspots in list or map view• Find a hotspot venue with both The Cloud WiFi and Sky Sports• Find a hotspot nearest to your location or by name, address or postcode• Share hotspot venue locations with friends or for quick search whilst offline
For assistance with The Cloud WiFi Finder, please email our customer service team:
[email protected]